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YPC Broomball Team

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Name: YPC Broomball Team
Date: February 23, 2025
Time: 6:00 PM - 9:00 PM CST
Registration: Register Now
Event Description:
Join our co-ed broomball team! Broomball is a hockey-style game without skates or the puck. Players use a special broomstick and a large rubber ball. DSM Parks and Rec will provide all necessary equipment (aside from shoes). Helmets are required, and knee and elbow pads are recommended. Athletic shoes with a good rubber sole are recommended for traction on the ice. 

Play will be every Sunday from December 8th through February 23rd, ending with a season tournament! No play on December 22, 29, and February 9th. 

We will compete in two 18-minute periods with a 5-10 minute halftime. 

No previous experience is required! Try something new and stay active this winter season while connecting with other YPC members! 
Brenton Skating Plaza
Date/Time Information:
Sundays from December 8th until February 23rd. No play December 22, 29, or February 12. 
6:00 - 9:00 PM
Contact Information:
Sammie Wampler



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